Borrowing books from a library is a cost-effective way to read. It’s also a nice outing if you are fit and healthy with plenty of spare time on your hands.
How about if your schedule is crammed, though?
What if you don’t have transport or your mobility is not as it should be?
Would you like all the convenience of borrowing books free of charge without even visiting your local library?
If so, read on to find out how!w
When Amazon and American libraries collaborated to allow members to borrow Kindle books, the initiative was widely welcomed.
Yes, with any Kindle device you can now borrow public library books for Kindle. Whether you have Kindle Paperwhite or a Fire Tablet, borrowing just got even easier.
There are now more than 11,000 libraries offering this service in the US. The Kindle books borrowed from public libraries can be read only on Kindle devices so make sure you’re fully equipped.
You subscribe through a platform called Overdrive or you can visit your local library’s website. If your library is harnessing Overdrive, the process is a breeze. There are 27,000 public libraries worldwide using this system.
In order to find out how to borrow a book, you need to visit a local library’s website to confirm whether the local library’s branch has the facility to lend out Kindle books. Also, you’ll need a library card along with other details such as your library’s name, zip code and e-mail address.
The next step is to sign on to your account by entering your name and library number.
You can now search for e-books across all categories until you find a link for Digital Media or Downloadable E-books.
Simply select the title and click to borrow.
Once you have followed the website’s instructions for checking out your e-book, there will be two options…
First, Get for Kindle to send the book to your Kindle. This will redirect you to the public library loan page on
Next, choose Deliver To and Get Library Book to send the book to your device.
Most textbooks can be loaned for at least 30 days. This should be more than enough time for most.
When you want to return a borrowed book, you need to head to the e-book section of the library’s website.
You will find a screen that with Return. Click this button and the job’s done.
With no late fees or trips to the library, borrowing books in this way is a cakewalk redefining convenient borrowing.
The e-book will no longer be accessible from your Kindle once the loan period has expired. You can, though, access your saved notes and highlights using Manage Your Kindle.
Drop us a line if you need any further guidance here. We are always delighted to help in any way we can.
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